
HampsthwaiteChurch of England Primary School

Enjoy, Achieve…. Flourish

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Sports Day 2016

We were pleased to be able to complete the Hampsthwaite Mile on Wednesday 29th June, just before the heavy rain set in. 
Moving Sports Day itself to Thursday 30th was a great success, as this was the only fully dry day that week. 
Nursery held their sports activities at 11:15am in the morning, and we had a very enjoyable afternoon of sports with the rest of the school. Many parents were able to come along to join us.

We had some exciting new sports day activities this year, and parents helped with these activities / score-keeping etc - thank you to those who volunteered to help as the activities took place - this meant adults could help out whilst still moving round to see the full range of activities their child took part in.

We also held our Tennis Celebration and non-uniform day, on Thursday 7th July.

The changes of dates were unfortunate; the weather in summer 2016 proved particularly tricky.  Thank you for your understanding - we were able to enjoy a lovely sports day in the end!