
HampsthwaiteChurch of England Primary School

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Welcome to Team Phoenix's Class Page!  


We hope you enjoy looking at our photos and learning about the work we do in our class throughout the year.


Mrs Hutchinson, Miss Wilson (Teachers) and Mrs Lamb (Teaching Assistant)

Summer Term 2023

This term, we will be learning about the Victorian era, making sure we are 'very amused'!  We will focus on the local area, the Industrial Revolution, children and crime and punishment.  We are looking forward to our trip to Ripon Museums to learn about how poor people were treated in Victorian times. 

In Science, we will be exploring 'States of Matter' and, in DT, we will be making pop-up books for the younger children.

Our writing this term will be based on a biography about Nikola Tesla; there will also be poetry and story writing inspired by the story of 'Aladdin'.  Our Guided Reading will be 'Street Child' by Berlie Doherty.

Our mathematical learning will be focused on a range of topics: decimals, money, graphs and charts, time, angles, geometry and position/direction.  As always, we will practise our times tables and calculations on a weekly basis.

Looking at portraits and exploring our own ways of portraying ourselves is our main artistic focus complemented by exploring a range of artists and elements of art courtesy of the new art area in our classroom.  In music, we will be listening to South and West African music, understanding that major chords produce a 'happy' sound and learning about polyrhythms.

We will be using 'Crumble' to control simple circuits connected to a computer and will also be focusing on internet safety.  Our French topics will be french foods - 'Miam, miam!' and the Eurovision Song Contest.

Our RE learning will be about Moses and 'People of God' and in PSHE we will be inviting parents and carers into class to talk about careers and finance.

Striking and fielding is our focus in PE which will culminate in lots of rounders matches!



Visit to Ripon Museums May 2023 

Team Phoenix (Years 4 and 5) are learning about the Victorians with a focus on children's lives in Victorian times. 

At the museums, we took part in Victorian school lessons, separated into girls' and boys' groups. In the Workhouse, we had to do the jobs Victorian children were expected to do such as bird scaring, gardening and washing clothes.  We also enjoyed the role play activities: re-enacting the trial of a child for stealing bread and judging poor people's requests to join the Workhouse.

Computing - using 'Crumble' to control circuits.

Spring Term 2023

Our topic this term is 'Tomb Raiders' where we will be learning about Ancient Egypt.  We will focus on the historical skills of enquiry eg how do we know? We will investigate the importance of artefacts in telling us about Ancient Egyptians and will learn about everyday life, gods and society.

In English, we will be studying diary writing, poetry and story writing through "The Write Stuff'. Our class novel this term will be ‘Secrets of a Sun King’ by Emma Carroll.  

We start the maths learning this term looking at written methods for multiplication.  We follow this with fractions, including equivalent, improper, comparing and ordering fractions, adding and subtracting fractions, 10ths, multiplying fractions and fractions of a quantity.

Science this term is all about 'Earth and Space' followed by 'Forces' after half term. We will be carrying out a range of enquiries in class and the children will be asked to create a Moon diary.

Our work in computing will be supporting our science learning as we will be creating a video of the earth's rotation around the Sun and the Moon’s rotation around the Earth. They will be introduced to a microcontroller (Crumble Controller) and learn how to connect and program components.

In Art, we will be following the Kapow unit ‘I Need Space’ which links to our Science topic. ‘What Could be Healthier?’ will be our focus in Design and Technology culminating in the children making their own Spaghetti Bolognese.

We will continue our work on looking after our health and well-being in PSHE alongside learning how to set goals for ourselves and how everyday things can affect our feelings.

In RE, our topics are ‘What Will Make our village a More Respectful Place?’ and leading up to Easter, ‘What Difference Does the Resurrection Make for Christians?’

In Music, we will be continuing to learn to play the recorder and will be looking forward to performing and singing 'The Gift of the Nile' at Harrogate's Royal Hall Charity Concert. We will be used to singing in public after our evening singing in Sheffield for Young Voices!

Yum! Making our own versions of Spaghetti Bolognese.

These are some of the comments children made about making and eating their bolognese sauces...


"It was the BEST!" Emma


"I loved the one with cheese and breadcrumbs." Isabella


"The one with bacon and wine was INCREDIBLE! I loved it sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!" Mabel


"It was just amazing 🤩👍🍝" Olivia

Learning About Ancient Egypt 

Class Display - Ancient Egypt

Learning About Chronology Using Our Outdoor Timeline

Artwork Inspired By Retrofuturism

The Write Stuff - Poetry Unit 'The Malfeasance' by Alan Bold

History Detectives!


We used our historical inference skills to work out which tomb and artefacts belonged to different ancient Egyptian characters based on information we were given including their job and hobbies.  We worked in small groups collating the evidence and then shared our findings, justifying our reasoning.

Visiting Egypt...

...using 'Google Earth' laugh

'Dreams Come True' Day


Art - Sketch Books - Exploring Different Media

Team Phoenix British Values Poster Competition

Autumn Term 2022

Our main topic is 'Entente Cordiale' - a geography-based topic.  We will be learning about geographical similarities and differences through the study of the human and physical geography of Yorkshire, England and Paris, France.

In Science, we will be exploring Sound: identifying how sounds are made and finding patterns in sounds made by different objects.  As winter and the festive period approaches, we will also be exploring and celebrating light, investigating reflections and how shadows are formed.

In Art and Design Technology our work will focus on architecture.  Children will investigate the built environment through drawing and printmaking.

In Music we will be enjoying 'Rock and Roll' music alongside learning how to play the recorder.

In French, we will be describing the characteristics of a person in our ‘Portraits’ topic and in Getting Dressed’ we will be describing clothing using the correct gender adjective. 

We will explore the power and pitfalls of search engines and the internet during our computing lessons. Our topic will require collection, analysis, evaluation and presentation of data and information.  We will also attempt to learn touch typing.

In RE, our topic is ‘The Deeper Meaning of Festivals’.

In PE this term we will be focusing on developing our ball skills and applying them to a range of games.

We will be focusing on relationships; being polite and courteous during our PSHE lessons.  We will be exploring the relationship between rights and responsibilities and keeping appropriate secrets.

This term, our maths work will focus on place value alongside addition, subtraction, multiplication and division followed by measurement.

In English, we are continuing to use 'The Write Stuff' to guide our writing and our guided reading text is 'Why the Whales Came' by Michael Morpurgo.

Harvest Festival in St Thomas a Becket Church

Sharing Our Work (and Mince Pies!) With Parents...December 2022

Project Work on European Cities

Mono-Printing Abstract Drawings of Houses

Forest School - Outdoor Learning in the School Grounds

Our Forest School experiences have been lots of fun! We worked outside collecting natural items, building shelters, using tools safely, learning how to start our own fires and of course playing in the mud kitchen. Not only did we enjoy each other's company but we also had hot chocolate to drink too!

In Team Phoenix, we have the opportunity to learn to play the descant recorder and read musical notation. Here we are playing our first note - B. ♬ Watch this space to see how we progress! ♬

🌺🌺🌺Lest We Forgot 🌺🌺🌺
