
HampsthwaiteChurch of England Primary School

Enjoy, Achieve…. Flourish

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Our vision of 'Enjoy, Achieve...Flourish' has shaped our agreed behaviour expectations.


Hampsthwaite is committed to creating an environment where exemplary behaviour is at the heart of productive learning. Everyone is expected to maintain the highest standards of personal conduct, to accept responsibility for their behaviour and encourage others to do the same. We recognise that each individual child is at a different stage of social learning. Only through a consistent approach to supporting their behaviour will we be able to achieve an environment in which children can learn and develop as caring and responsible people. 

Support (Empathy) - helping children to be aware of and to name emotions is important when dealing with a situation. Accepting the emotions (and their actions) helps the child open up and reflect on what has happened. It does not mean that these are approved of, it is simply accepting that they have occurred. Once the child feels that empathy, they will be able to begin to think for themselves about how they could react differently to those emotions in future, and how to make amends for want has happened. Empathy does not mean permissiveness; the inappropriate behaviour is still addressed, but this is done in a way that helps the child deal with the emotions associated with the situation.


When difficult behaviours occur, we focus on de-escalation and preventative strategies rather than focusing solely on reactive strategies, to ensure:

• consistency

• internal rather that external discipline

• care, control and relevant consequences

• clear techniques for de-escalation to prevent a crisis

• techniques to reduce the risk of harm, should a crisis occur

• a restorative approach


Below are the ladders that we use in school for Celebration and Restoration


Our Behaviour Policy can be located here
