
HampsthwaiteChurch of England Primary School

Enjoy, Achieve…. Flourish

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The Subject Leader for Maths is Mrs deBoer




Education at Hampsthwaite is based on the National Curriculum. Learning is sequenced in a way that ensures progression and the development of key knowledge and skills – embedding these within the children’s long term memory. We strive to ensure that our children’s creativity, interests and talents are nurtured so that they will be able to ‘Enjoy, Achieve and Flourish’ during their time with us.


Hampsthwaite Primary School - Maths Intent


At Hampsthwaite Primary School we believe that children should experience the awe and wonder of mathematics as they learn to solve problems; develop ways of looking at patterns; discover efficient strategies and make links between the different areas of maths. 

We believe maths is a universal language; it helps us to describe, make sense, investigate, understand and respect our ever-changing world. We believe all children can achieve in mathematics, and teach for secure and deep understanding of concepts through fluency, reasoning and problem solving. Where possible, we try to make our maths ‘real maths’, making our learning and experiences relevant to everyday life. We use mistakes and misconceptions as an essential part of learning and provide challenge through rich and varied problems.  

We encourage children to use approaches, which work for them, by equipping them with a range of efficient strategies and ensuring an understanding of them. 

At our school, the majority of children will be taught age related content and will be supported in understanding this through pre-teaching and corrective teaching when necessary.  

We aim to make maths an exciting and varied experience to enable children to flourish and achieve. 


3i Statement for Maths



Our School uses the White Rose maths scheme to plan teaching. The small steps approach help us to identify gaps in learning and then to plan for all pupils to make progress. The use of concrete and pictoral resources are useful tools to support children with SEND and also to challenge more confident learners to use a different representation to one they are used to. Within classes we use concrete resources to support and consolidate the underlying concepts.  Teachers support children’s learning through mathematical discussion and use virtual manipulatives to help children make connections between pictured objects and symbolic representations. Class teaching sets high expectations for all pupils and scaffolds learning for SEND pupils. Marking and feedback helps identify and clear up misconceptions and we use focused interventions to provide extra targeted support for less secure children.

TTRockstars Parent Information

Outdoor Maths in Team Griffin

Maths through card games in Team Griffin
