
HampsthwaiteChurch of England Primary School

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School Closure due to severe weather - Feb/Mar 2018

7:15am  28/2/2018  Owing to severe weather conditions making the journey to school very hazardous for staff, parents and children, Hampsthwaite School was closed on Wednesday 28th February. The weather forecast was also for the conditions to worsen during the day. It was important to take the decision early in the day to ensure everyone's safety.


Parents were advised to check the school website for continued updates and further information about the coming days, as severe weather warnings remained in place from the Met Office for several days.


The Fairtrade Coffee Morning was rescheduled - to be held on Wednesday 7th March instead of 28th February, from 9am onwards. Parents and people from the local community were invited to join us on 7th March.


7:15am    1/3/2018 Due to the continuing severe weather, school was closed again on Thursday 1st March. Roads were treacherous with deep snow in places, and extra snow had fallen widely. As always, the safety of children, parents and staff remain the most important consideration in these very unusual and extreme conditions.


World Book Day celebrations which were due to happen on Thursday were rearranged to Friday 2nd March (weather permitting  -  please see separate news article on World Book Day 2018).


Parents were again thanked for their understanding, and advised to wrap up warm and take care.
