
HampsthwaiteChurch of England Primary School

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Rearrangement of Sports Day to Wednesday 24th June

 Unfortunately we had to take the decision this morning to cancel sports day due to the unexpected rainfall in the morning, which meant the grass was wet and slippery, and with overcast conditions and a forecast of heavy showers for the afternoon, it looked unlikely that conditions underfoot would improve.
I am sure you will appreciate that the British weather is never straightforward, and we can only act on the best information we have at the time to make these decisions.
The forecast for this week is saying that drier fair weather is likely midweek, whereas the forecast for Friday has been consistently for persistent light rain.
I have proposed Wednesday as an alternative date for Sports Day because this is the only day possible within the constraints of other events going on (Y6 out at Crucial Crew tomorrow, and Y5/6 inter-school athletics on Thursday). Previously, Y5/6 were due to be orienteering on Wednesday, but this event has been changed which is why Wednesday has now become a possibility.
This is a very difficult decision, and must be made as a balance of judgement to try to make the best of our British summer weather. If we do not take the opportunity to hold Sports Day on Wednesday, there is a risk we may not have a sports day at all, because of the forecast of wet weather for Friday.
I apologise to those parents who had made arrangements to be available for Monday and Friday and may not be able to join us on Wednesday. We have to consider how disappointing it would be if we were to let fine weather go by on Wednesday and then end up not having a sports day at all due to rain on Friday. Another advantage to Wednesday is that if it is wet on Wednesday, we still have Friday as a final opportunity!  
Thank you for your understanding on this (always!) tricky decision. Fingers crossed for good weather on Wednesday, and we hope many of you will still be able to join us to support our sports day celebrations.