
HampsthwaiteChurch of England Primary School

Enjoy, Achieve…. Flourish

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How the snow enhances our curriculum!

As well as playing with snow to explore its wonderful properties and characteristics, our Nursery children have been colouring and painting on the snowy ground. Reception and Year 1 have tried out writing on snow - and even practising their spellings in the snow! 
Children of all ages have had a great time playing in the snow during breaktime and lunchtime too. Through brilliant teamwork, they have created a whole range of snowmen and other creatures - even a tiny snow mouse with an icicle tail crawling up a tree trunk!
In Collective Worship, we thought about why we love to make snowmen and how we always seem to try and make them as lifelike as we can. In other words, we try to make them 'in our image'. We compared this to the Bible verse that says 'God made us in His image', and thought about how, although we are all unique (like our snowmen) we all have the image of God in us, through the likes of the love, care, kindness, joy and peace that we can all share.