
HampsthwaiteChurch of England Primary School

Enjoy, Achieve…. Flourish

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Buddy Reading

Everyone in school enjoyed a super Buddy Reading session this afternoon. Children in Team Dragon were matched with buddies from Team Phoenix, and Team Unicorn with buddies from Team Titan.

The children then had around 20 minutes to share books together, and it was lovely to see the interaction between the children of different ages, as reading went on right across the school. Their enthusiasm for the stories and information they shared together was fantastic. What a super way to make friends in different classes too!

We will keep up Buddy Reading as a regular event, and we may ask for children to bring in some of their favourite books to share from home too.

On the subject of books at home, don't forget that children can contribute book reviews, favourite reads and other ideas and thoughts on our DB Primary Reading forums and other on-line discussions. They can access DB Primary any time from home as well as in school.

